Serving up your content in more ways than one

Trusted information is like a good roast chicken.

Trusted information is like a good roast chicken. You can serve the chicken as a tasty salad, jazzed up in a fried rice, or turn it into a comforting soup.

You can take a similar approach for content. A piece of content can be delivered in more than one way to keep the information interesting and engaging to different types of audiences. 

Consider webinars. Webinars are audiovisual experiences that are highly effective in getting people to think about and discuss a particular topic. But the content doesn’t have to die when the speakers sign off. Information from a webinar can also be turned into a reading experience. Indeed, here at C&EN BrandLab, we believe that a wise approach to content involves presenting the information in more than one form. It is called C.O.P.E.: create once, publish everywhere.

We apply this C.O.P.E. philosophy to webinars by turning them into white papers or executive summaries for our clients. One example was Protochips. The company had sponsored a webinar about transmission electron microscopy. The webinar delved into a niche technology for which the company makes a product. The company received leads from the webinar, as was the primary goal of the campaign, and asked for additional solutions to get more out of their webinar’s recording. 

So, one of our science writers watched the webinar and extracted the highlights from it: The writer and editors turned the most interesting pieces into a compelling narrative for the whitepaper, but also went further to add details that couldn’t make their way into the webinar at the time of recording, such as a case study and some research papers.

How did this help our client? With the launch of the whitepaper, Protochips was able to get new, fresh leads from the same information, but without much lift on their end.

The multi-pronged approach with content also gives people choices on how to take in information in a way that’s best suited for their learning preferences and needs. For our clients, the C.O.P.E. approach gives them two things: exposure to more than one audience segment to hit different stages of the buyer’s journey, and an additional asset in their content portfolio without much work.

Done well, information has more value when it can be delivered in more than one way. Just like a good roast chicken. 

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