How to Generate Qualified Leads in a Niche Chemistry Area

ThermoFisher Scientific wanted to show a particular group of buyers that the company was dominant in their niche, Nano-LC. Using online tools developed by C&EN, the company generated more than 200 requests for demos and additional outreach.

Defining ThermoFisher Scientific’s Business Challenge

ThermoFisher Scientific wanted to promote their products to analytical chemists performing MS in the field of proteomics. To do so, the company needed to find these high-value targets, engage them in education about Nano-LC, and build a healthy sales pipeline as a result of their efforts. These are the questions we needed to address for Thermo:

How can we find analytical chemists in a niche field?
What kind of education can we deliver to promote the brand?
How can we build a sales pipeline now and in the future?

Our Approach

Demonstrating Expertise: Create Once, Publish Everywhere.

Commit to a Content Strategy.

C&EN wrote and designed a custom eBook and interactive quiz for ThermoFisher Scientific’s campaign. The eBook was created as an interactive PDF. All elements were designed to engage with and collect data from readers.

Employ a “Create Once, Publish Everywhere” Mindset.

C&EN leveraged multiple digital channels to find the niche audience ThermoFisher Scientific needed, developing a far-reaching marketing campaign that spanned C&EN platforms, social media, search, and more.

Surround Prospects at Every Step of the Buying Process.

C&EN took every opportunity to prompt users to start a relationship with ThermoFisher Scientific by sharing their contact information with the company. In doing so, C&EN was able to generate a significant amount of interest in TFS products - and qualified leads.

The Program

An interactive quiz and eBook was created on behalf of ThermoFisher Scientific. Both elements were designed to drive awareness and education of TFS’s dominance in Nano-LC, and collect leads for immediate sales impact.


C&EN exceeded goals for ThermoFisher Scientific in both quantity and quality of interactions. The results below demonstrate how C&EN created an effective pipeline of prospects for ThermoFisher Scientific, and provide support in nurturing prospects into a sales conversation.

The Right Prospects.
Qualified Scientist Leads Delivered to ThermoFisher Scientific
Real Engagement.
Requests for Additional Contact from ThermoFisher Scientific by Demo, Quote or Email
Business Results
In Potential Revenue for ThermoFisher Scientific Generated from This Campaign

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